
Luca Paccusse is a street and documentary photographer born and raised in Rome, Italy.

Photography is a passion that came as a synthesis between the interest cultivated since childhood for the visual arts (from drawing to cinema) and the humanistic educational background (political and social sciences, journalism). In street and documentary photography he found a way to express himself by spontaneously telling the daily reality and in particular the stratification and complexity of the lives that inhabit our cities, playing at the same time with aesthetic elements such as composition, light and color.

Street photography and documentary photography are two genres that have a lot in common and indeed are often united, which is why perhaps it is also wrong to divide them into two different genres. As I understand it, street photography must be spontaneous and can be done in any public space, from the city to the beach, from the museum to the desert.
It can be contextualized or tend towards abstraction, but a set of street photographs certainly contributes to documenting a particular place, period or event.

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November 2023 - January 2024: Eyeshot Open Call exhibition, picture showcased during the 3-month exhibition event through an Eyeshot-made short film featuring all semi-finalists works, Naples, Italy
November 2023: Street Sans Frontières, collective exhibition during Paris Photo Off curated by Martin Vegas, Galerie Joseph Le Palais, Paris, France
June - July 2023: Sanremo Street Photo Festival, single contest finalists exhibition, Forte Santa Tecla, Sanremo, Italy
June - July 2023: Brussels Street Photography Festival, single contest finalists exhibition,Brussels, Belgium
April 2023: Italian Street Photo Festival, single contest finalists exhibition, Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
March 2023: Brave New World, collective exhibition during Aussie Street Festival, Comber Street Studios, Sydney, Australia
January 2023: Luci su Roma 2, collective exhibition curated by Alessandro Schiariti SPL, Du' Parole, Rome, Italy
December 2022 – January 2023: Miami Street Photography Festival, single contest finalists exhibition during Art Basel Miami, History Miami Museum, Miami, USA
September 2022: Pisa Street Photography International Festival, single contest finalists exhibition, Sopra le Logge art gallery, Pisa, Italy
June - July 2022: Luci su Roma, collective exhibition curated by Alessandro Schiariti SPL, Du' Parole, Rome, Italy
May 2022: Street Sans Frontières, collective exhibition curated by Martin Vegas, Galerie Joseph Le Palais, Paris, France
January 2022: OF Labs in mostra - Visioni di gruppo, collective exhibition of the project Roma è Luce, Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
October - November 2021: Tales of the Unwritten - A tribute to Street Photography, collective exhibition curated by dotART during Trieste Photo Days, Biblioteca statale Stelio Crise, Trieste, Italy
September 2021: Treviso Photographic Festival, collective exhibition curated by LAB 77 APS, Treviso, Italy
October 2020 - January 2021: URBAN 2020 Exhibit preview @ Photo Days Tour, collective exhibition curated by dotART, Palazzo Meizlik, Aquileia, Italy
October - November 2020: CHROMANTIC - A tribute to Alex Webb, collective exhibition curated by dotART during Trieste Photo Days, Sala U. Veruda, Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste, Italy
September 2020: TAL Congregation - Street Photography exhibition and meeting, collective exhibition curated by Tra Asfalto e Luce, Ex Galleria, Rome, Italy
November 2019: All Roads lead to Rome, collective exhibition curated by Street Photography in the World and Tra Asfalto e Luce, Arte Borgo Gallery, Rome, Italy
October - November 2019: Short Street Stories - A collective tribute to Martin Parr's street photography, collective exhibition curated by dotART during Trieste Photo Days, Sala U. Veruda, Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste, Italy
July 2019: Urban Contemporary Art & Street Photography 2019, collective exhibition curated by Art on a Postcard, Old Spitalfields Market, London, UK
June - July 2019: World Street Photography 6, collective exhibition, Gudberg Nerger, Hamburg, Germany
June 2019: Blanca y negra, solo exhibition, Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
June 2019: Street Art Wild, collective exhibition curated by Arte Città a colori, Casa della Cultura - Villa De Sanctis, Rome, Italy
May 2019: Street Sans Frontières, collective exhibition curated by Martin Vegas, Galerie Joseph Turenne, Paris, France
February 2019: Il Mostro #12, collective exhibition curated by Luciano Corvaglia, TAG – Tevere Art Gallery, Rome, Italy
December 2018 - January 2019: Istantanee romane, Funky Avenye collective exhibition, Ex Galleria, Rome, Italy
October 2018: TAL 4 Pose, collective exhibition curated by Tra Asfalto e Luce, Pub Gerbillo Furioso, Rome, Italy
September 2018: URBAN 2018 Exhibit Preview, collective exhibition curated by dotArt, Al Nono Risorto, Venice, Italy
August - September 2018: URBAN 2018 Exhibit Preview, collective exhibition curated by dotArt, Klub Alchemia, Krakow, Poland
July - September 2018: URBAN 2018 Exhibit Preview, collective exhibition curated by dotArt, Trieste Airport, Trieste, Italy
June - July 2018: "Rome Street Diving" series exhibited at Un ponte per la fotografia, collective exhibition during FotoLeggendo photography festival curated by Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
June 2018: Sintesi3, collective exhibition curated by Tra Asfalto e Luce, Ex Galleria, Rome, Italy
June 2018: Colpo d'occhio, collective exhibition curated by Photosophia Fotoclub, Scuola di Fotografia Libera Accademia di Roma, Rome, Italy
April - May 2018: CITIES Exhibition, collective exhibition, Firenze in Foto, Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana, Florence, Italy
December 2017: Visioni di Gruppo #6, collective exhibition of the project Roma 3.0 - Il nuovo nella città eterna, Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
November - December 2017: CITIES Exhibition, collective exhibition, Spazio Tadini, Milan, Italy
September - October 2017: Il Viaggio, collective exhibition, UPTER Università Popolare di Roma, Palazzo Englefield, Rome, Italy
June - July 2017: “Small urban shots” series exhibited at Un ponte per la fotografia, collective exhibition during FotoLeggendo photography festival curated by Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
March - April 2017: Avanti c'è posto, collective exhibition, Teatro Ambra alla Garbatella, Rome,Italy
February 2017: Inner City, solo exhibition, Mille 13 Bistrò, Rome, Italy
December 2016: Visioni di Gruppo #5, collective exhibition of the project Avanti c'è posto - Il tram a Roma dal tram, Officine Fotografiche, Roma
June - July 2016: “Blanca y Negra” series exhibited at Un ponte per la fotografia, collective exhibition during FotoLeggendo, photography festival curated by Officine Fotografiche, Rome, Italy
March 2016: Blanca y Negra series exhibited at Reflection, collective exhibition, Dodici Pose - Art Lounge Gallery, Rome, Italy
January - April 2016: Picture selected for the street photography contest #Picyourstreet (organized by Huffington Post, Officine Fotografiche and Goethe Institute) exhibited on screen at “Via!” – Fotografia di strada da Amburgo a Palermo, collective exhibition, Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Rome, Italy
October 2015: Occhi su Roma, collective exhibition, Centro commerciale Roma Est, Rome, Italy


April 2023: Street Shooters of the month, Street Photography Magazine
April 2023: Photos, Docu Magazine, vol. 4, issue 2
February 2023: Photos and interview, Docu Book vol.13, Docu Magazine
September 2022: Pisa Street Photography International Festival catalogue
January 2022: Photos, Edge of Humanity Magazine
October 2021: Tales of the Unwritten - A tribute to Street Photography, curated by dotART, Exhibit Around
October 2020: Chromantic - A tribute to Alex Webb, curated by dotART, Exhibit Around
October 2020: URBAN unveils the city and its secrets - vol. 06, curated by dotART, Exhibit Around
May 2020: Photo series, Street Sweeper Magazine, curated by Jaycee Malicdan
October 2019: Short Street Stories - A collective tribute to Martin Parr's street photography, curated by dotART, Exhibit Around
October 2019: URBAN unveils the city and its secrets - vol. 05, curated by dotART, Exhibit Around
June 2019: World Street Photography 6, curated by Kujaja e Gido Carper, Gudberg Nerger
April 2019: Interview and photos, The Streets #12
March 2019: Interview and photos, EYE-Photo Magazine #3
February 2019: "Guided by instinct: street photography by Luca Paccusse", Plain Magazine, curated by Kala Barba-Court
October 2018: Picture 3rd place winner at contest organized by Universo Foto and Sprea FotografiaDigital Camera Magazine n° 194  and Photo Professional n° 107, Sprea Editori
September 2018: Metropolis, 14&15 books
May 2018: "What strikes me here is the light" Urban Street Diving, curated by Andreas Ott
March 2018: Photo series on Eyeshot Journal, curated by Marco Savarese, Eyeshot
January 2018: Calendar "Roma 3.0" made by Officine Fotografiche and Rotostampa
December 2017: Picture, Il Fotografo, n° 299, Sprea Editori
November/December 2017: "Il momento prende vita", curated by Mosé Franchi, Image Mag,  anno VI n° 6, Consorzio Gruppo immagine
November 2017: Cities, n° 2, Italian Street Photography
June 2017: Cities, n° 1, Italian Street Photography
June 2017: Interview and photos on Road Photography, curated by Valerio Aquilani
May 2017: Picture inside the article Fotografia di stradaDigital Camera Magazine n° 177, Sprea Editori
April 2017: Text and picture, "Keep calm, siamo inglesi", Qui News n° 2
March 2017: Text and picture, "Passo Corese apre ad Amazon", Qui News n° 1
December 2016: Picture inside the article “Minimal”Digital Camera Magazine n° 172, Sprea Editori
August 2016: Picture inside the article “Street Photography”Digital Camera Magazine n° 168, Sprea Editori
November 2014: Photogallery "Toronto e Montreal"Le Porte Vaganti (travel blog)
August 2014: Text and pictures, "Istanti di viaggio. Parigi d'autore"Mind the Trip (travel blog)


Semi-finalist, Eyeshot Open Call, Single category, 2023
Finalist, Sanremo Street Photo Festival, Single Shots contest, 2023
Finalist, Brussels Street Photography Festival, Single Photo contest, 2023
Finalist, Italian Street Photo Festival, Single Photo contest, 2023
Finalist, Concorso Fotografico Trofeo Città di Follonica, Ammessi Street, 2023
Finalist, Miami Street Photography Festival, Single Photo contest, 2022
Finalist and Honorable Mention, Pisa Street Photography International Festival, Single Photo contest, 2022
Finalist, Siena International Photo Awards, 2021, 2023
2nd place winner in the category "Classic Street", 3rd place winner in the category "Urban Culture", Honorable Mention in the categories "Street Fashion", "Shadows & Reflections", "Water & Windows" Paris International Street Photo Awards, 2020
Finalist, URBAN Photo Awards, 2019, 2020
Editors' Picks, The Independent Photographer Street Photography Awards, 2019
Finalist, EyeEm Awards in the Street Photographer Category, 2018

info contatti / info contact

For info, collaborations or prints contact me at




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